A look into the lives and tidbits about the characters from my debut novel Damaged.

Welcome to my blog and hope you find it to your liking. I have always loved to read and make up stories as a child. My head was forever stuck in the clouds and I would dream up these worlds in my head while playing make-believe in my backyard and finally I'm putting down those worlds to print.
Don't you wish you could just have some more info about the characters in a novel you fell in love with. Or wonder, if like actors in a movie, what they'd be like in real life.
Well, read on for a take on a character interviews as if they'd been cast in a movie. See how much they're alike or different from their written persona.
Elise Engel
“It's true. I'm the star, the other's wouldn't be where they are today if it wasn't for me.”
KS: So Elise, tell me a little bit about yourself.
EE: Well, let's see, where should I start. So in the book I play a teen who tragically loses her parents, and seems to lose her identity. (She flips her hair over her shoulder and flashes me a wide grin.) In reality, I'm happy to say I've moved past my teenage years, but a lady never reveals her age.
KS: In the book, we see that you find yourself in a complicated situation. Can you tell me more about how it felt. Have you ever been faced with something like it in real life?
EE: Oh, well, which situation are you referring to?
KS: Take your pick.
EE: Okay, well first off, I did some research for the first situation, where Elise had to choose to be turned into a vampire. Seeing as how I've never been one, I focused, deep down and tried to bring forward what I thought would be an extremely painful situation.
KS: Since you brought it up, those scenes in particular have some complications, mainly in the romance department. (Elise laughs as her cheeks turn pink.)
EE: Yes, in the book, my character has to choose between the two brothers as to which will turn her. She has no idea which one will take her down a wrong path.
KS: Did you find yourself having real feelings for either one of them.
EE: (She laughs and shakes her head yes). Of course. How could anyone not? They're both gorgeous. I do have to admit, at first, Jaxon really put me off. I hated his cocky attitude. Like he knew he was hot. But then, somewhere it changed and I found myself actually falling for him.
KS: So what's in store for you and Jaxon now?
EE: Their story is only beginning. We're working on the final touches of the next scenes in Rendered, the second book of the Changed Series, so keep an eye out.
KS: Thank you Elise for talking with me today and we look forward to seeing how the story unfolds.
Thanks for stopping by and stay tuned for next week's interview with the very hot and steamy Jaxon Carrington.
“Be original, show off your style, and tell your story.”